Saturday, December 19, 2015

The latest Leftist smear

Each time I go to the gym, one of the first things I do is look around and see if anyone is watching what is on t.v. If nobody is looking at the t.v. set, I switch the channel to Fox News. I do not have Fox News here at home. Today the Fox people were talking about Putin saying something nice about Donald Trump. A man who had silver gray hair, and therefore should be expected to have a degree of wisdom, was shaking his head. He walked over to me and said, "Putin likes Adolph, so now we're supposed to like Adolph?"

So that's the latest from the Left? The man who is trying to stop Obama from bringing unvetted Muslims into America is now equated with Adolph Hitler?

I did not engage with the man, but pumped a little extra iron on my next set.

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