Monday, December 21, 2015

Political convenience

Hillary Clinton's latest lie: ISIS is using You Tube videos of Donald Trump to gain new recruits. Ace of spades comments,
She says ISIS is playing Donald Trump videos to recruit terrorists, which sounds an awful lot like her previous infamous lie about a YouTube video inspiring a spontaneous demonstration in Benghazi.

There's no evidence for this lie -- just like there was no evidence for the last one. Just political convenience.

And yes, just like last time, she's not only not sorry, she's indignant you'd even ask about that.

This confirms the Democrats -- Obama, Hillary, ValJar, all of them -- really do believe that terrorists only attack us because we cross progressives' red lines of good PC Taste.

...It's also a demonstration of the progressive conviction that terrorism is actually the fault of its Western victims -- as Michael Moore said of 9/11, why did those terrorists kill the nice people of NYC, when it was really the people of the heartland who were the justifiable targets?

In the minds of some progressives, terrorists' main failing is their inability to distinguish worthy American targets from forbidden ones. I suppose that's why they spend so much time signalling that they're among the Good, Polite, Deferential People who will sign up for sharia and even convert to Islam if that turns out to be Just What ISIS (Really) Wants.
read more here.

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