Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Planned Parenthood killer goes to court

Paul Vercammen and Holly Yan report for CNN,
Robert Lewis Dear, accused of killing three people last month at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, made a series of outbursts at a hearing Wednesday, saying, "I am a warrior for the babies."

On a day on which prosecutors filed 179 felony charges against him, Dear, wearing an aqua jumpsuit and leg irons, made his thoughts known -- through nearly 20 interjections during the proceeding.

"You'll never know what I saw in that clinic," Dear interrupted during one argument in the motions hearing. "The atrocities. That's what they want to seal. The babies."

At other times, he said, "I am guilty. There is no trial," and "Protect the babies."

...When lawyers spoke about a listing of victims in the incident, Dear, his facial expression framed by a shock of hair, blurted out, "Could you add the babies that were supposed to be aborted that day? Could you add that to the list?"

Dear made reference to his public defender, Daniel King, who also represented Colorado theater shooter James Holmes: "Do you know who this lawyer is? He is the lawyer for the Batman shooter -- when they drugged him all up and that's what they want to do to me."

While King told the court there were questions about his client's competence, Dear said, "You are not my lawyer."
read more here.

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