Thursday, December 03, 2015

Placating biological impulses

Are the Muslims who are causing mayhem beta losers? That is what Chateau Heartiste commenter Balmung believes. Commenter tombreck2 adds,
Their conviction is to go to heaven where they are promised 72 virgin slaves.

Islam was created as a honey pot for beta males who look forward to death so that they can finally get laid by attractive women while the Muslims who are successful with women (royalty, upper Jihadigment of terrorist groups, oil barons, etc) don’t really give a shit about becoming a martyr because they have options.

Commenter khorne adds,
Whatever any of you might think Christianity is, it certainly doesn’t try to placate the biological impulses of the masses.

Commenter Wrong Side of History wonders,
Could the homosexual agenda be at least partly aimed at a growing population of low-status males who would otherwise be shut out of the sexual market?

Commenter Peterx wrote,
Islam’s a masculine, Alpha religion. Versus a feminized, Beta Christianity.
Read more here.

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