Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Media "schlongs" Donald Trump

Donald Trump talked to a Michigan audience about Obama's defeat of Hillary Clinton:
“She was going to beat Obama. I don’t know who would be worse, I don’t know, how could it be worse? But she was going to beat – she was favored to win – and she got schlonged, she lost, I mean she lost,” Trump told an audience in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/12/donald-trumps-schlong-road-to-white-house/#kEVcHShC6SibPorD.99

Megan Carpentier writes in The Guardian,
...in 2015, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination has admitted that he’s grossed out by the thought of women urinating, he’s disgusted by breast-feeding, he thinks menstruation is a mind-altering phenomenon, and he thinks that the best rhetorical method for referring to a woman’s campaign loss is to evoke mental images of her getting bested by a penis.

Here's how some other media outlets reacted to Trump's "schlonged" statement:
The Huffington Post: Donald Trump goes full schmuck, uses Yiddish word for penis to mock Hillary Clinton
Think Progress: ‘Schlonged’: Watch Trump’s astonishingly sexist attack on Hillary
The Nation: Schlonged? Donald Trump’s pathetic frat-boy politics
NBC News: Donald Trump launches vulgar attack against Hillary Clinton
New York Magazine: Trump gets bored with Hillary feud, adds sexism
The Washington Post: Thanks for ruining Christmas, Donald Trump!

Fox News decided to censor the word on its broadcasts as anchor Shepard Smith (who once had to apologize for saying “f–k” on live television), announced, “Donald Trump is not backing down … using a crude and vulgar word we will not repeat on television and won’t even allow him to say. … Trump got personal, very personal. The word we bleeped I’ve never heard before used as a verb,” added Smith.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said the outrage surrounding Trump’s comments seemed unwarranted.

“Trump was saying Hillary got shafted by Obama. It’s no more complicated that,” Limbaugh said Tuesday. “She got schlonged, she got shafted. Don’t wait for the media to explain it to you. They’re so far up the reservation on this. They’re looking for dirt where there isn’t any dirt. They’re looking for something to discredit. He just said she got shafted by Obama. It happens to be true. It’s more newsworthy than simply saying she got beat. She got schlonged. She got shafted. Makes perfect sense to those of us who know.”

He added, “”I never imagined 27 years ago, 30 years, I never, ever imagined I’d be discussing ‘schlonged’ on the radio, especially during Christmas week, but, I mean, it’s an indication of where our culture has gone.”
Read more here.

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