Monday, December 07, 2015

ISIS has smuggled chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons into Europe

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Rick Moran writes at PJ Media,
If this information had come from Islamic State, we could probably dismiss it as more bombast from the terrorists.

But it did not originate with ISIS. A report from the EU Parliament is making some shocking claims about Islamic State recruiting scientists to build chemical and biological weapons -- weapons that have already been smuggled into Europe.

The report claims that CBRN substances (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) "have been carried undetected into the European Union" and that "Interpol's monthly CBRN intelligence reports show numerous examples of attempts to acquire, smuggle or use CBRN materials."

The document, which was compiled in the aftermath of the deadly attacks on Paris claimed that ISIS has already smuggled WMD material into Europe.
Read more here.

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