Friday, December 04, 2015

Grotesquely mistaken diagnosis of the problems that ail the world’s poor

Donald J. Boudreaux writes,
Filth, hunger, short life expectancy, illiteracy, subjugation of women, sanguinary conflicts over scarce resources – these horrors are not the recent consequences of climate change. They are the ages-old consequences of persistent and widespread poverty. This poverty and its accompanying miseries were eliminated only when and only where people embraced the very economic system that so many of today’s environmentalists wish either to abolish outright or to jeopardize with unprecedented government-fashioned fetters: entrepreneurial capitalism.

...grotesquely mistaken diagnosis of the problems that ail the world’s poor serves only to encourage calamitously counterproductive policies that will not only not enrich people in poor countries but will also impoverish people in rich countries.
Read more here.

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