Thursday, December 31, 2015

Don't expect your wages to rise any time soon

Neil Munro reports at Breitbart News, that Obama's new immigration plan offers work-permits to foreigners slated for deportation.
In plain English, the section in the rule would automatically provide updated work-permits to 15 categories of migrants who are appealing judges’ deportation orders.

In plain economics, the rule would increase the number of foreign migrants in U.S. workplaces and impose wage-cutting job competition on ordinary blue-collar Americans so that university-trained, white-collar immigration lawyers could be paid billable-hours by their due-for-deportation, work-permit clients.

“Obama is transferring the jobs and salaries of Americans to foreign nationals, including illegal aliens… [who will be] licensed to take middle class jobs,” said one Hill staffer. The pending rule “highlights the unholy alliance between progressive Democrats, progressive Republicans, and the Obama administration… [so] when it comes to finding a job in America, being native-born in America is a disadvantage,” the staffer said.

Ace of Spades gives it this headline:
Obama to Begin Illegally Issuing Work Permits to Illegal Immigrants Already Formally Ordered Deported by a Court

Another day, another gashing wound in the Constitution that once bound this nation together.

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