Monday, November 02, 2015

One of the most interesting and most impressive men of our time

In Commentary Magazine John Podhoretz adds his recollections to the many who are mourning the passing of Fred Thompson.
Thompson was not suited to the task of running for the presidency, I think, because he had an essentially ironic view of the world and its workings. In the last years of his life became one of Twitter’s best political tummlers, issuing forth perfectly crafted one-liners about the absurdities of the Age of Obama. On September 23, only five weeks before his untimely death yesterday at the age of 72, he offered this: “Obama at a school in Iowa: Students ‘shouldn’t silence’ guest speakers who are ‘too conservative.’ Yes. That’s what the IRS is for.”

My profile of Thompson never ran; Esquire changed editors, and the new one told me it was “boring.” If so, that was the greatest failure of my professional life, because Fred Thompson was one of the most interesting and most impressive men of our time. RIP.
Read more here.

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