Thursday, November 12, 2015

Learning (in college) to let the Left have its way

David French writes at The Corner,
Over on the homepage, I have an extended piece describing the lawless corruption of the university Left. Towards the end I described a scenario experience by all-too-many conservative parents — where there kids come home from college fundamentally changed, rejecting their family’s values and beliefs. While that does happen to a significant number of students, there’s a hidden cost even for those students who don’t alter their beliefs in school, who enter and leave school still fundamentally believing the same things. Simply put, they learn to let the Left have its way. They may resent the Left, but they learn that fighting is too hard, and it’s just easier to roll your eyes, let the social justice warriors have their fun, and retreat into ever-shrinking cultural refuges of church and home. (I used to add “sports” to that mix, but ESPN is bringing Yale values to the gridiron.)

...So while it can be amusing to watch campus lefties tear each other to shreds in a fit of South Park-style hysterics, don’t ever forget that they’re not just indoctrinating our children, they’re also teaching them how to lose.
Read more here.

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