Saturday, November 21, 2015

Do homeschooling parents have only the Left to fear?

Apparently not. No less a man of the right than Antonin Scalia recently expressed his view that
there is no U.S. constitutional right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children.

The nation's charter document is "not a perfect Constitution," and many "important rights are not contained there," Scalia told an auditorium of first-year law students at Georgetown University Law Center here.

"For example, my right to raise my children the way I want," he said. "To teach them what I want them taught, not what Big Brother says. That is not there."

..."The notion that everything you care a lot about has to be in the Constitution is a very dangerous notion," Scalia continued. "Because it begins with stuff we all agree upon. 'Oh, sure, we ought to be able to educate our children the way we want.'
Read more here.

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