Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Which place in the world is not worth the US going to war about?

News Junkie writes at Maggie's Farm,
The Middle East is one of those little disputatious, duplicitous corners of the world which attract the interest of diplomats and strategists far out of proportion to their intrinsic importance or value. Small pawns in the big game of international politics.

Obama or not, the world is not America's sandbox. Most of the world does not think like Westerners, much less think like Americans, and they never will see life through our eyes.

Furthermore, while the American people like the idea of being the world superpower, they have not been particularly enthused about geopolitical adventures and military maneuverings in minor places since WW2 - none of which have ended very successfully anyway (eg Korea, Cuba, Southeast Asia, the Muslim world, Ukraine, etc.). Reagan's pressure for the dismantling of the Soviet empire was a success without a single military death, but the result is less than beautiful except for a few ex-eastern bloc nations.

The argument is always that X is critical to America's interests. Really? Syria? Ukraine?

Syria has been a Russian client/ally for a long time. Some good points here: The Mind of Mr. Putin

If you wish to debate, first tell me a few places in the world which can not be construed as "critical to US interests." (I'll use "critical" meaning worth going to war about.)

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