Sunday, October 04, 2015

Trump strikes a deal with the city of Palm Beach

Conservative Tribune has a story about how Donald Trump was fined for flying the American flag too high:
At Mar-a-Lago Club, Trump’s elite Palm Beach, Florida property, he had an American flag prominently raised on the grounds to show his patriotism. Apparently, the hoighty-toighty residents of the neighborhood weren’t thrilled when they saw Old Glory flying 50 feet above the ground — which was 20 feet higher than ordinances allowed.

So they complained, a lot. Enough so that the city began fining The Donald $1,000 per day while his flag stood, according to Snopes.

After rounds of back-and-forth fighting, Trump and the city finally came to an agreement — after the fine had grown to a staggering $120,000.

Trump’s solution? He told the city he would move the flag and pole to a different spot on the estate and lower it to the allowed 30 feet. In return, Trump insisted that the $120,000 be donated to veterans organizations.

The city agreed. How could they not? The master of the deal struck again, this time for an exceedingly good cause that any proud American could rally behind.
Read more here.

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