Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Tonight Show, starring Hugh Hewitt

Tonight I attended a program put on by radio station KNUS. Hugh Hewitt, who has been living in Colorado since August, hosted the show, ala Johnny Carson, of Tonight Show fame. There were three nationally known guests in addition to Hugh: Guy Benson, Katie Pavlich, and Kirsten Powers. Benson said last night's debate had the effect of unifying the GOP candidates, with the exception of John Kasich, in opposition to the horrible interviewers from CNBC. Benson characterized the Democratic candidates as "geriatric has-beens," which may have been an unfortunate choice of words, since it pretty much described tonight's audience. Kirsten Powers was most powerful when speaking about her conversion to Christianity, which she said had perplexed many of her liberal friends, since their religion is Democrat politics.

The second half of the show featured four local talk show hosts. Peter Boyles gave us some insight into alcoholism, which he says is a shame-based genetically predisposed disease, not a behavior, in which the doctor and patient are the same person. Alcoholics learn not to talk about it, and hide in secrets and lies. Peter has been sober for thirty years. He described alcohol as "the gateway drug." Dan Caplis is a handsome young trial attorney who may run for the US Senate seat now held by Michael Bennet. Caplis is very articulate, smooth as silk, an enthusiastic supporter of Marco Rubio. He is an outspoken opponent of Colorado's recreational marijuana legalization. Boyles, the alcoholic and drug addict, is a supporter of the Colorado law, and says that Caplis will be defeated if he runs, because Boyles believes the majority of Colorado voters favor the law.

Boyles is a close friend of former Congressman Tom Tancredo, whom Hewitt believes is killing the Republican party in Colorado.

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