Tuesday, October 06, 2015

“Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.”

Jonah Goldberg writes at USA Today,
Why do liberals hate Citizens United so much? No doubt there are many explanations, but one seems particularly obvious. In a world where only powerful institutions in the mainstream media have an unfettered right to make their case during elections, then the conversation is going to go in their favor. Even if Fox News and Rush Limbaugh were the monsters liberal claim they are, the scales still lean inarguably leftward when you include the biggest newspapers, the major TV networks, National Public Radio, and popular programs like The Daily Show and 60 Minutes.

None of these outlets would consider their editorials, news coverage and comedy sketches to be “in kind donations,” but from the perspective of political campaigns, that’s a distinction without a difference. Because Democrats understand that when they’re not strong, they can lean on their friends to help them carry on.

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