Sunday, October 04, 2015

Just ignore the law!

Do you suppose it is a possibility that Obama has made a deal with the Castro brothers to turn over the Guantanamo prison to the Cuban commies? So they can imprison more Cubans who disagree with their regime?

Valerie Richardson reports at the Washington Times,
Even though the 2015 National Defense Appropriation Act renews the congressional ban on transferring of Gitmo detainees to U.S. soil, the Defense Department has conducted site surveys at highly secure facilities recently in Kansas and South Carolina, meeting in both instances with staunch opposition from GOP governors.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback said in August that his state will not be part of any “illegal ill-advised action by this administration” to transfer the 52 detainees to U.S. soil, while South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said that “we are not going to allow South Carolina to become a magnet for terrorists to come here.”

By comparison, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, was more open-minded. His spokeswoman told The Associated Press that he “wants to have a full understanding of the costs, risk and impacts for Colorado.”

All the Colorado Congressional representatives and both senators have said all the right things in opposition. Senator Bennet, though, is up for reelection in 2016, and may need money for his campaign.
Read more here.

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