Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How would Carson fare in a debate with Hillary Clinton?

This is something I don't want to hear. Dick Morris, an experienced political analyst, says Hillary would eat Dr. Carson alive in a debate, and spit him out. Why? because she is super aggressive, and he is laid back and soft-spoken. He also believes Carson has a very limited knowledge base about American government. Moreover, Morris thinks Carson as a candidate would be a combination of Sarah Palin, who "never did her homework," and John McCain, who was "so soft-spoken he never made his points." Morris was also appalled by Carson's reply to a question in the last debate about what Carson would have done in responding to 9-11.

I hope Morris is wrong, like so many of the pundits we have come to rely upon for analysis. I'd love to see an introvert be president! And a brilliant one, too!

Despite the criticisms of Morris and others we have come to acknowledge as reputable pundits, both Carson and Trump continue to outflank the rest of the GOP candidates, as we get ready for tomorrow night's third debate.

Watch the Morris video here.

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