Friday, October 02, 2015

Having made his pronouncement, the ostrich buries his head back in the sand.

Jonah Goldberg writes at National Review,
This is the Obama doctrine in a nutshell. The president’s favorite rhetorical trope is to justify withdrawing from the world on the grounds that the “international community” will fill the vacuum created by our abdication. But the international community’s troops always stay in their barracks. Meanwhile, bad actors — Russia, China, Iran, et al. — seize the opening. Our president responds with mournful words that doing so is not in the villains’ interests. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, and Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s bombing of his own people demonstrate, according to Obama, that they are on “the wrong side of history.”

Having made his pronouncement, the ostrich buries his head back in the sand.
Read more here.

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