Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Can Bubba rescue Hillary?

Stewart Lawrence writes at The Daily Caller,
The revelations about the Clinton Foundation – including reports of de facto “pay to play” arrangements from prospective foreign donors — are potentially more damaging than the email scandal, which Hillary is doing her best to contain. In fact, more questions are likely to be raised about how the two operated together in recent years, especially with Bill, more than Hillary, the public face of the foundation abroad. Just as the continuing drip-drip of the email scandal has all but derailed Hillary’s campaign this far, increased scrutiny of the larger Clinton privatization effort – whose scope goes far beyond the accusations once leveled at Dick Cheney over his ties to a private defense contractor, Halliburton – will make it harder for Hillary to stay “on message” as the campaign progresses.

...But can he really “save” Hillary?

Few politicians today have the ability to reverse a candidate’s sagging fortunes like “Bubba” does. Remember Obama in 2012? En route to re-election, the president stumbled badly, and Mitt Romney, who’d been written off as a serious contender, began a late surge. It took Clinton’s appearance at the Democratic Party convention to begin reversing the tide. Clinton offered a brilliant defense of Obama’s first term – one far more convincing than the incumbent could. He followed it up with aggressive campaigning on Obama’s behalf in key states where the president was faltering and could not afford to lose – Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Minnesota, among them – and the tide turned for good.
Read more here.

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