Monday, October 19, 2015

A Man's Man

Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" fame writes a blog. People write to him and he responds. For example, today he was asked to respond to the infamous recently published NY Times piece entitled 27 Ways to be a Modern Man. Rowe responded to each of the 27 points with his own version of what a Man's Man would do.

Here are some of the ones I identified with most:
NYT: The modern man has a melon baller. How else would the cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew he serves be so uniformly shaped?
MR: The Man’s Man, if he serves fruit at all, prepares wedges, squares, and rectangles. He accomplishes this with a knife.

NYT: The modern man doesn’t get hung up on his phone’s battery percentage. If it needs to run flat, so be it.
MR: A Man’s Man prefers his gas tank full, his weapon loaded, his pantry stocked, and his checkbook balanced. He also likes his phone sufficiently charged, and takes the necessary steps to accomplish that.

NYT: The modern man has no use for a gun. He doesn’t own one, and he never will.
MR: A Man’s Man owns at least one firearm. He knows how to use it, clean it, and store it properly. He understands it’s importance, and sees it for what it is - a tool that can protect him and his family.
Read the rest here.

h/t Bulldog

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