Saturday, September 26, 2015


That's what I think Clarence Page is doing in this column in which he asks, "What's wrong with a Muslim president?" Dr. Ben Carson was asked if he would support a Muslim for president, and he candidly answered no, on the grounds of our belief in the First Amendment and "the values and principles of America." Page manipulates that statement into this, the first sentence in his Chicago Tribune article:
After reaching the top tier of Republican presidential candidates in polls, Dr. Ben Carson has given us another historic milestone: He has boldly called for religious discrimination against Muslims who run for president.

Page goes on to assert that
Rest assured, there is no danger of the Islamic-based legal system of Shariah taking over other American laws.
After these Obama years, I am not sure about that claim.

Page concludes,
At least Carson doesn't appear to be pandering to the angry, fearful and ignorant as vigorously as the Grand Old Party's current front-runner, Donald Trump. The billionaire TV star recently pandered to the worst of the anti-Obama conspiracy theories including the ridiculous notion that he's a secret Muslim.

Even when Trump was asked after Carson's remarks if he thought a Muslim should be elected to the presidency, he sarcastically quipped that "some people" think we already have. Har, har.

I would add, in the spirit of an old line from TV's "Seinfeld," "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Page claimed in an interview with Craig Silverman this morning on radio station KNUS, that Carson's supporters are "ideologues." The Left and Clarence Page are not ideologues?

Read more here.

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