Saturday, September 05, 2015

The dark side of popular culture

She lost her popularity when the networks decided to go all nude in 2019. Manhattan Infidel writes that about Miley Cyrus dateline 2027 in this post,
No one wanted to see an almost naked person when there was full frontal public nudity on television in front of them. Ironically Miley herself is the cause of her problems. Her erotic, semi-nude antics became very popular in the last decade. This caused the major networks to respond by upping the nudity quotient to improve their ratings. And besides, Cyrus is 35 years old now and is not known to the younger generation who view her as someone their parents might have watched.

...It wasn’t until today when she was spotted along route 9 holding a sign that said “For 30 dollars I’ll kiss your wife. For 50 I’ll twerk with you” that she reentered the public consciousness.

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