Friday, September 04, 2015

Misery breeds misery. Fun breeds more FUN.

I want to meet this woman!

Although I love beautiful women as much as any guy does, the number one most attractive quality about a woman to me is whether or not she is fun to be with.

Her name is Zara Barrie. She writes,
I’ve discovered the secret key to having a happier, more exponentially enticing and fierce lifestyle: I’m going to have fun. Lots of fun. All of the f*cking time. And you, you can kindly shut the f*ck up about it.

Your negativity and self-loathing won’t stop me from fulfilling my goal of living a life of relentless wonder and authentic joy.

I’m sick and tired of the masses acting as if having fun and working hard are mutually exclusive. They don’t have to be. We’re programmed to look at work as work and play as play, but I am choosing to dismiss that tired, dated notion.

Both work and play can be beautifully interconnected, as long as you tap into that wild, repressed imagination of yours.

In fact, I have come to find that when I begin to work from a place of unabashed amusement and irrepressible bliss, my work is actually stronger and better.

...There is just no good reason to not try to have fun all of the time.

...Whatever energy you throw out into the universe, you get back. I dare you to try it.

If you’re a positive force of nature who is gracing the fine earth with fruits of gorgeous joy and love — you’re going to get that back. In abundance.

Misery breeds misery. Fun breeds more FUN.
Read more here.

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