Monday, September 28, 2015

Bearing witness

Ann Voskamp and the other seven members of her family take a road trip. Her two oldest boys decide to climb a seaside mountain cliff. Ann sits and watches, and has time to think about parenting, God, and being safe:
Jesus died to save us not to make us safe. No one ever got saved unless someone else was unsafe.

...God sees it all – and He sees to it all – and He doesn’t turn away. God is your witness: You are seen and known. Who will be God’s witness? So He is seen and known?

...Because the truth is: Life’s a trial and everyone needs a witness — someone on your front row, someone on your sidelines, someone to clap you across the finish line when everyone else has gone home.

Everyone needs a witness – someone to testify you were really here and you really tried, someone to witness your wounds and believe in your worth, someone to say even your crazy can’t stop you from being crazy loved.

Everyone needs a witness who will stand and not hold you back because if we all only lived safe, no one would ever get saved.

Everyone needs a witness — and I’ll be yours.

...You don’t become a parent by bearing a child. You become a parent by bearing witness to his life.
Read more and view her photos here.

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