Tuesday, August 25, 2015

We can choose not to wear the gag of political correctness

"Undocumented immigrant?" Kurt Schlichter writes,
Being here illegally is not a mere technicality. This is not a simple matter of a lack of documentation, as if the issue is that Jose went from Oaxaca to Fresno and getting the proper paperwork somehow slipped his mind. Ironically, one of the many problems posed by illegal aliens is that they are documented – with fake identifications, fake work papers, and fake Social Security numbers.

While they are not all “workers,” they are all “aliens.” The illegal alien scumbag who murdered Kate Steinle wasn’t a busy little beaver bringing home the chorizo to his family, all of whom were likewise employed. Calling them “workers” is simply another lie designed to distract from the critical point – many aren’t “workers,” and those of us who aren’t aliens are paying for them.

"Anchor babies?" Schlichter writes,
...“anchor babies” are not merely “babies.” They are the babies of illegal aliens birthed within the territory and jurisdiction of the U.S.A. (sorry, 14th Amendment revisionists) who are then used as a means for the rest of their family to stay here permanently and weasel from us benefits to which they are not morally entitled.

A “baby,” in contrast, is any kind of baby – unless it’s been carried into a Planned Parenthood butcher shop.

Of course, the language liars don’t only try their scam when the subject is illegal immigration. Everyone remembers “global warming,” which got replaced by “climate change” when the globe failed to cooperate and warm. With “climate change,” every kind of weather supports their thesis. Hotter, colder, the same, it doesn’t matter – it’s critical to give liberal elites more of our money and sovereignty right now or else weather will keep happening!

And then there’s “thug,” which is the perfect term to describe an enormous strong-arm robber who unwisely decided to try and punch out a cop. The left would replace this accurate, evocative descriptor with “honor student,” as if Michael Brown was wearing his mortarboard when he tossed around that convenience store clerk prior to making his final miscalculation.

What happened in Baltimore was a “riot” perpetrated by “criminals,” not a “demonstration” conducted by “community members.”

The losers trying to murder Westerners from Tunisia to Chattanooga are “Islamic terrorists,” not generic “militants” whose shouts of “Allah akbar” offer no hint about their motivation. When a jihadi fanboy murders over a dozen Americans in a (good guy only) gun-free zone, it is “terrorism,” not “workplace violence.”

No, it’s not “a procedure” used to extract “products of conception” that are then “donated for research.” It’s the “dismemberment of a human baby by giggling ghouls who sell off the shredded pieces to the highest bidder.” Maybe if the mom was an illegal alien it would become a “baby,” and the liberals would finally object to it being torn apart.

Politically, pushing back against PC is a winning strategy. Donald Trump has practically built his whole campaign around doing that. Jeb Bush got his first good news cycle in months by refusing to kow tow. Others did too when they showed some courage; Marco Rubio put months of rebuilding at risk when he didn’t.

People are tired of being commanded to lie, because when you consciously use language that fails to fully and accurately describe its subject, that’s a lie. Political correctness is a gag we choose to wear ourselves. And we can choose not to.
Read more here.

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