Sunday, August 09, 2015

Washington Post: Why did a Ted Cruz super PAC give $500,000 to Carly Fiorina’s?

Sundance at The Last Refuge shows how
...only a few donors are actually funding the entire campaign.

When they need you to vote, they’ll ring a bell – Dems will use social issue fear strategy (abortion, war on women, race etc.); the GOP will use the fear strategy involving gun control, or, oh this one is really good, the repeal of ObamaCare! – Your job is to show up to the polls, pull lever, get temporary relief pellet and simply go away and shut up.

Two out of every three dollars (66%) used on campaigns comes via the allowed Super-PAC spending program. This, by necessity and plan, has removed the need for smaller political donations and has contributed greatly to the success of the professional political class (incumbency) retaining their seats (see 2014 GOPe success).

A super PAC supporting former tech executive Carly Fiorina’s run reported raising $3.5 million — with a half-million dollar lift from a super PAC supporting GOP presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.). Link here.

The pro-Cruz PAC, Keep the Promise I, reported the disbursement Friday in a document filed with the Federal Election Commission. That is…unusual, to say the least.

Carly (who said Mitt Romney talked her into running) Fiorina, supports Man-Made Global Warming, Common Core -AND- the Dream Act, and Ted Cruz is giving her money? Oh well, they must just be great friends n’ stuff – meh.
Read more here.

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