Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The political consultant class knows nothing about the grassroots voters

Today Ace of Spades writes about our political consultant class:
Frank Luntz on the Hatred of the Establishment Revealed by a Pro-Trump Focus Group: "This is real. I'm having trouble processing it. Like, my legs are shaking."

I'm shocked that he's shocked, and I do not mean that as a joke.

He is a professional. He is a focus-grouper and high consultant. I imagine he reads a lot of polls too, and probably runs some.

And yet he didn't know the anger brewing at the Establishment.

I am truly shocked.

No matter how low my estimations of our political class, they keep failing to meet my expectations.

I complained on Friday that the vaunted consultant class does not know the most elemental things about the "constituency" they're paid to advise clients about. I put "constituency" in quotes because it's quite plain they do not consider the actual grassroots voter as their constituency. In fact, they do not consider them at all.

...The political class is useless and must be swept away, completely. Not only do they have an agenda contrary to most of the voters' interests, but even when it comes to the thing they're supposed to be good at, be experts at, they're totally incompetent and in fact absolutely pathetic.

I'll give Trump this much: He is right to call them "morons." They should be called what they are. They are failures, they are incompetent, and they're a disaster.
Read more here.

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