Saturday, August 08, 2015

The need for an uncompromised worldview

Daniel Greenfield writes at Sultan Knish,
There is nothing that corrupts conservatives quite as much as the need to be nice.

...In political wars, conservatives have to force themselves to be nasty and liberals have to force themselves to be nice. Media control flips the script so that the average person is under the impression, without having listened to either one, that Rush Limbaugh screeches hate at the top of his lungs while Jon Stewart is a fun-loving entertainer, when really it's the other way around.

But the media excels at pumping out one core message; liberals are good people and conservatives are bad people. The details are usually forgettable and buried in a thousand contextualized stories, but the message permeates everything. And even when the public doesn't buy it, conservatives do.

...This is really why there is no conservative party. Eventually all those passionate conservatives we send up and have such high hopes for give in to the questions being hurled at them by the media, by their compatriots in government town asking them what they're going to do about fake crisis No. 3.

And eventually they try to find common ground. And they lose and we lose.

It's not just about policy. This is a conflict that takes place in mental and moral spaces. Before the policy, comes the worldview. The left will lose political battles rather than give an inch on its worldview. They view liberals who retreat on any issue as traitors and punish them. Conservatives lose political battles because they open up gaps in their worldview, they make mental and moral concessions, and once they've done that, losing the policy battle is a foregone conclusion.

Winning requires an uncompromised worldview. Lose that and every battle becomes a frenzied clash followed by a strategic withdrawal to the next crucial issue. ObamaCare. Iran. Planned Parenthood. Don't worry, one of these days we'll fight one to the end. Just not this one. Or the next one.

When you have a compromised worldview, then you stand for nothing.

Imagine the next sob story on the news. The one that is targeted directly at your demographic. Ask yourself what its agenda is. What does it really hope to achieve. It's not that hard, but not even 1 percent of Republican voters, the same ones who poll as distrusting the media, will do that.

And of those who do, far too many will still be influenced by it.

The left has been able to keep winning because it has the conviction to set the agenda and too many conservatives allow themselves to be influenced by it. And then a think tank will roll out a "conservative" solution to climate change, illegal alien amnesty or drug policy reform.

And then the left wins.

If we want to be where the left is today, we will need some of that same determination. We will need to realize that we will not win by being nice, but by refusing to let the left's definition of niceness get a foothold in our minds or our souls.
Read more here.

In the comments section at Sultan Knish, Fuzzy Slippers writes,
Granted, in 2009, we did actually make some moves that were really threatening to the left, namely the TEA Party movement. That scared the socks off them because they never saw it coming and didn't know how to shut us up . . . at first. Clearly, they figured it out. So now, instead of storming town halls, marching on Washington, organizing ourselves, and being effective, we just go to the voting booth and then . . . well, nothing.

The left does things. They organize. They have citizen "armies" who make it their goal to ensure that there are lawsuits, social media campaigns, educators at every level indoctrinating our children, and a hundred other things working in their favor at all times. They boycott this and have letter and email campaigns against that, they are always busy chipping away at big and small business, at social norms, at legal precedent, at everything that is moral and good.

Us? We vote.

Oh, and we complain. A lot. To ourselves and to each other.

That's not really working out very well for us.

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