Sunday, August 09, 2015


Lenore Skenazy at Free Range Kids tells us about two little boys in Canada who were fined $250 per day because they sold worms for $2.50 per dozen and erected a sign on their front yard advertising their business.
Kristopher [age 10] said the worm enterprise only brought in about $34 a month last summer, and he doesn’t understand why he and his brother are being told they can’t sell worms from their front lawn.

“I didn’t feel too good about that,” he said. “I thought at least we’re doing something. Most of my friends play video games. I’m building responsibilities.”

To which Lenore writes,
No, my little miscreant: You are building a rap sheet. Better to go inside and sit down on the couch for the rest of the summer with a nice big bag of Goldfish crackers. You can pretend you caught them yourself, with gummy worms, like a good, law-abiding blob…er…boy.
Read more here.

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