Friday, August 28, 2015

Putin's life of luxury

In 2012, Boris Nemtsov and Leonid Martynyuk published their investigative piece, “The Life of a Galley Slave (palaces, yachts, cars, airplanes, and other accessories)”, which exposed the extend to Vladimir Putin’s wealth and assets in detail. The western media reported on aspects of the report, but an English language translation has not been available until now.

Putin's Life of Luxury
20 palaces and villas: with opulent fittings worthy of an emperor

15 helicopters

43 aircraft including an airliner that features an $11 million cabin fitted out by jewelers -and that toilet which, the report says, cost close to $100,000

53.7-metre yacht: with designer interior, a spa pool, waterfall and wine cellar

11 luxury watches

Five-decked yacht: with a jacuzzi, barbecue, a maple wood colonnade and a huge bathroom faced in marble

available anytime to the current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, are 20 palaces, villas and residences.
In comparison:
The President of The United States has two residences.
The Head of The German Government has two.
The Italian Prime Minister has three.
The Canadian Prime has one.

Note that nine new palaces appeared during Putin’s presidency. Thus the obscenely large number of residences under Putin, have almost doubled.
Go here to see photos and descriptions of each of the 20 palaces, watches, and airplanes.

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