Monday, August 24, 2015

Looking for excuses for not trying

Thomas Sowell writes at Investors Business Daily,
In so-called "sanctuary cities" across the country, local police are under orders not to report illegal immigrants to the federal authorities.

Nobody has a right to obstruct justice when it comes to federal laws — not even the president of the United States, as Richard Nixon discovered when he had to resign after Democrats threatened him with impeachment and Republican senators told him that they would not defend him.

One of the most widely known abuses of the immigration laws is the creation of "anchor babies" to get automatic citizenship when a pregnant woman simply crosses the border to have her child born on American soil.

...This is not limited to people who cross the Mexican border. Some are flown in from Asia to waiting posh facilities.

Not only do their children get automatic American citizenship without having to meet any requirements, this also increases the opportunities for other family members to gain admission later on, in the name of "family reunification."
Read more here.

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