Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It was in the bathroom of a loft apartment!

Why do we continually have to rely on British newspapers to inform us of what is happening in America? The Mail Online brings us this information. The company Hillary Clinton used to maintain her private email account while she was our Secretary of State was housed in a loft apartment in Denver. The servers were in a closet in the bathroom!

'Mom and pop': Platte River Networks was housed in this apartment. The servers were in a closet off the bathroom, former employees tell Daily Mail Online.

Daily Mail reporter Hugo Daniel tells us,
Clinton's 'homebrew' computer system housed her emails while she was Secretary of State between 2009 and 2013. Platte River Networks provided its services in mid-2013 according to Barbara Wells, the company's lawyer.

In March Clinton said she wiped the server clean but experts say some of the more than 60,000 emails she deleted may be recoverable.

The server is now in the hands of the FBI who took it off Platte River Networks hands last Wednesday.
Read more here.

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