Thursday, August 06, 2015

Facilitation of barbarism

Mark Steyn writes,
The fifth in an apparent series of twelve Planned Parenthood undercover videos shows Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discussing how to manipulate the abortion procedure in order to ensure the "fetus" is delivered "intact" and thus able to be cannibalized for body parts. As Ms Farrell puts it, if a client "has a specific need for a certain portion of the products of conception and we bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this. So we deviate from our standard in order to do that."

In other words, their priority is not a "woman's health needs" but a cleanly delivered "fetus" with the relevant "portion of the products of conception" intact - the leg, the liver, the heart, the lung, whatever it is the client has had "baked" into the contract. This is in itself a crime: You're not supposed to manipulate the abortion - and potentially cause more pain and discomfort to the woman - in order to get clean, sellable baby parts.

But, as Ms Farrell makes plain, at Planned Parenthood they see the woman less as a patient than as a supplier whose truck needs a bit of maneuvering to align at the loading dock.

Lovely. But it gets better. For the parts to be useful to the customer, you can't employ the customary pharmaceutical aids to abortion - the stuff that kills the "fetus" - because, if you do, all the parts you want to sell will be poisoned and valueless.

It would seem to me, therefore, that the risk of a live birth in which the baby has to be killed outside the womb is substantially greater. One wonders what the next seven videos will hold - and what it will take for American newspapers even to cover the story.

Senator Harry Reid and taxpayer-funded baby-parts mogul Cecile Richards.

...After the Senate vote, Harry Reid, who still looks as if whoever worked him over could have used a "less crunchy" procedure, Tweeted the above picture of himself with baby-parts zillionaire Cecile Richards, and a gloating message:

Today we fought to protect women's access to critical health services—and we won. #StandwithPP

What this evil toad "fought to protect" was Cecile Richards' access to critical women and their "products of conception". This is a uniquely American depravity - a billion-dollar abortion-industrial complex, unknown to the abortion regimes of France, Sweden, the Netherlands. Presumably all those Continental social democrats with their restrictions on "women's access to critical health services" are also part of the "war on women". The very fact that the Democrats' leader in the Senate is willing to advertise his facilitation of barbarism is a sign of his confidence in the people's indifference.
Read more here.

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