Sunday, August 16, 2015

Drawing the line

Regular readers know that I regularly excerpt items I find in daily reading of the Chateau Heartiste blog. You might find that to be curious, since I have an African American daughter, and Chateau Heartiste seems to think we are an occupied country with an entrenched official anti-White narrative.

I originally started reading Chateau Heartiste to try to understand why I lost a woman I loved. He offers many insights into male-female relationships. Then I started to see his thoughts about the anti-White and anti-male narrative that predominates in our schools and government bureaucracies. I do think there is an anti-White narrative and an anti-male narrative in this country. I do not think we should allow this to continue.

But to fight against this leftist b.s. does not mean we have to be anti-Black or anti-Brown or anti-female. I do not accept that.

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