Sunday, August 09, 2015

Do you know where Fiorina stands on immigration, climate change, and Common Core?

Sundance at The Last Refuge is writing a lot of interesting stuff about the GOP candidates. He believes the thing is rigged for Jeb Bush, and he shows us Bush's plan to win the nomination. He further believes that Donald Trump is the best hope for derailing the inevitable Bush candidacy. But what about Carly Fiorina? Sundance writes,
Maybe we should be looking a little closer at Carly. She’s so good, even her competing candidates want to keep her in the race.

Carly Fiorina on Immigration: Pass the DREAM Act. For other undocumented immigrants, a direct path to citizenship is unfair. While running for the U.S. Senate in California in 2010, Fiorina said she supports the DREAM Act, which would give legal status to people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

Carly Fiorina on Climate change: It is real and manmade. But government has limited ability to address it. Speaking in New Hampshire in February, Fiorina said there is scientific consensus that climate change is real and caused by humans.

Carly Fiorina on Education: Supports Common Core – Set national standards but give local districts maximum control. No Child Left Behind was positive. In a position paper while running for the U.S. Senate in California, Fiorina strongly advocated for metric-based accountability in schools. She praised No Child Left Behind as setting high standards and Race to the Top for using internationally-benchmarked measures.

She, along with Jeb, seem to remind people their state can always “opt out”. Yet they always seem to skip the whole part about national standard being tied to the federal funding allocation. Meaning education funding blackmail – “Opt out, and you don’t get the funds”… but you can always “opt out”.

…”Nice school you got there, it’d be a shame if anything happened to it”….

Wait, Carly (who said Mitt Romney talked her into running) Fiorina supports Man-Made Global Warming, Common Core -AND- the Dream Act, and Ted Cruz is giving her money? Oh well, they must just be great friends n’ stuff – meh.
Read more here, including a list of who is giving money to whom.

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