Friday, August 21, 2015

Do you go with the sane man with the loony position, or the loony man with the sane position?

Mark Steyn talks briefly with Hugh Hewitt about Donald Trump and Jeb Bush:
MS: I think the way to look on it, Hugh, is like this – you've been quite critical of him. You can say "Oh, this guy is an out-of-control lunatic buffoon" but actually–

HH: I never said that. Let the record be clear.

MS: No, no, no. I know you've never said that, but a lot of people have. But what he's saying is actually quite sane - whereas if you think of the so-called sane candidates like Jeb Bush, when he talks about illegal immigration as an "act of love", he may be a sane man, but what he's saying is far loonier than what Donald Trump is saying. If you got a loony with the sane position versus a sane man with a loony position bet on the loony with a sane position.

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