Sunday, August 23, 2015

Congressional Dems launch investigation into the group that exposed Planned Parenthood's atrocities ..But not Planned Parenthood itself.

Robert Laurie writes at,
Congressional Democrats are outraged by the recent spate of seven horrific undercover Planned Parenthood videos. Sadly, they're not the least bit concerned with what's on the tapes. Baby mutilation is, apparently, no big deal. Instead, they're worried that the organization which perpetrated the undercover sting, The Center for Medical Progress, may have broken some laws in the process.

So, in a manner befitting their left-wing Bizarro-world, they've launched an investigation.

From the Washington Times:

Congressional Democrats have opened their own investigation into the Planned Parenthood videos — but into the group that took the footage in which officials haggle over the prices of organs and discuss keeping a baby alive so his brain can be harvested.

The Center for Medical Progress may have broken federal laws in setting up a false-front company to secretly record Planned Parenthood employees talking about these and other practices, the Democrats say.

That's right. Democrats don't have a problem with Mengele-esque vivisection, or with medical techs cutting through a baby's face to extract its brain, but they think a "false front company" is a bridge too far.

If you're wondering what kind of monstrous human being thinks like this, you need look no further than Barack Obama's favorite lapdog, Elijah Cummings.

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, also said it’s possible some of his colleagues in Congress knew about CMP’s activities and didn’t flag them for potential illegal behavior.

“These disturbing actions raise questions about whether the Center for Medical Progress has broken federal or state laws, and whether some members of Congress may have been aware of these potentially illegal activities before they were made public earlier this year,”

Again, please note: The "disturbing" part is the method employed to make the tapes, not the ghoulish behavior they captured.
Read more here.

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