Saturday, August 08, 2015

Breathtaking arrogance

Rick Moran writes at American Thinker,
The attorney for a top aide to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state has informed a federal judge presiding over FOIA requests from Judicial Watch related to Huma Abedin's employment status that she will destroy electronic communications not already handed over.

“Ms. Mills does not believe that she has paper copies of potential records in her possession. Following our production on August 10, 2015 [of the defense counsel’s version of the electronic records], we have instructed her to delete any and all electronic records in her possession,” said the attorney.

Breathtaking arrogance.

...Ignoring court orders, refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas, threatening to destroy potential evidence – these are not the actions of faithful public servants, but rather a criminal gang conspiring to hide wrongdoing. The federal judge in the case, Emmett Sullivan, has shown he's got some iron in his spine in the past, as he is also presiding over Judicial Watch's FOIA requests relating to the IRS scandal and has threatened to hold IRS officials in contempt if Lois Lerner's emails are not produced in a timely manner.

Sullivan is likely to grant Judicial Watch's emergency stay – and will no doubt have a few choice words for Mills and her attorney. It is up to the court to decide what is relevant to the issue and what isn't. Mills doesn't get to make that determination – nor does Hillary Clinton, who continues to slow-walk her compliance with both State Department and judicial orders regarding evidence in the case.

Thomas Lifson adds:

Hillary and Cheryl and Huma ought to have one of those séances Hillary used to have with Eleanor Roosevelt's ghost, only this time contact Richard Nixon's ghost and ask about the wisdom of getting in a urination match with a federal judge.
Read more here.

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