Saturday, August 22, 2015

Alpha male at the gym tonight

This evening at the gym there was a woman with a flawless body working out in front of a wall of mirrors, constantly admiring herself. A guy was working out on a machine kind of near to her. He turned to her and said, "You sure need to be working out!" She replied incredulously, "What?" He quickly followed up with, "Your triceps need work." She was appalled, and quickly looked at her triceps in the mirror from several different angles. He turned and looked at me with a big grin. I gave him one right back, because I thought it was funny. Who but an alpha male would even think to say such a thing to a woman who was an obvious physical fitness extremist?

Needless to say, she spent the rest of the workout looking at her triceps, then over at him. She was his.

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