Sunday, August 30, 2015

A bond built on gratitude, love, hope, optimism

One of the reasons why I listen to Rush Limbaugh is the way he analyzes what is happening. Take the Trump phenomena, for example. He notes that the popularity of Trump is completely inexplicable to the political pundits who consider themselves experts. The only thing they can come up with is "angry populism." They blame Trump's popularity on the stupidity and anger of the voters.

Are people angry? Yes, Rush says, wouldn't you be? People vote for one thing and get another. They see what is happening with our economy and our values, and they worry about what it will be like for their grandchildren.

But, Rush says, anger is not what is driving this Trump phenomena. No, it is the opposite of anger. It is love! Rush notes how sincere Trump is when he thanks his supporters and connects with them and stands up for them. Rush believes that people hear Trump and believe there might actually be someone who will fight for them and recapture America's greatness. Rush believes Trump is establishing a bond, a connection with voters, and that the only person who can break that bond is Trump himself. The pundits and Trump opponents can ridicule them all they want, but the bond is so strong that the criticism of others cannot break it.

The pundits and media experts think the bond is negative, all about anger. Rush says it is not. He observes what he believes as a very sincere gratitude on Trump's part that voters hope will translate into a commitment to them.

Interesting theory, right? Do you hear anyone but Rush Limbaugh making those observations?

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