Sunday, August 30, 2015

90 to 95 percent of Ashley Madison users were males

Why is there such a huge ratio differences between men and women who were members of the hacked Ashley Madison adultry site? Chateau Heartiste thinks he knows:
The dearth of live wives seeking extramarital affairs on Ashley Madison is a consequence of:

1. the nature of women to prefer their seduction be veiled behind flirtatious feints and parries (as opposed to arid, conspicuous match-ups with equally debased men)
2. the disposition of wives to simply leave their husbands when they want to start new romances (husbands — and single men in relationships — can better tolerate balancing illicit lovers with a wife or steady girlfriend, even over long periods of time).
3. the fact that women are not as promiscuous as men.
Read more here.

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