Sunday, July 12, 2015

What is your theory?

OregonMuse writes at Ace of Spades about the fact that it is tough to get boys to read nowadays. I have two teenage boys who are readers, and they agreed with OregonMuse's post:'s tough to get boys to read nowadays. Various theories are proposed as to why this is:

According to one theory, girls' brains are more verbally oriented, often making reading skills easier for them, while boys' brains are visually oriented. Another theory is that boys are more physically restless than girls.

And so on. Undoubtedly, all of these play a role. But my theory is simpler: if you want boys to read, then give them books they will want to read, i.e. action, adventure, narrow escapes, hair-raising chases, featuring men who are strong and tough. But of course, this would be like anathema to the feminists who dominate the publishing industry. So instead, you get revisionist fairy tales where instead of being rescued from a dragon by a manly knight in shining armor, the damsel constructs a firearm and shoots the dragon herself, this rendering the (male) knight pretty much superfluous.

So, yeah. Boys don't want to read. I hope nobody is surprised by this.

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