Saturday, July 25, 2015

Trump attacks Scott Walker in Iowa

Trip Gabriel of the New York Times covered Trump's speech today in Oskaloosa, Iowa.
To the list of Republican rivals he has insulted, Donald J. Trump on Saturday added a new name: Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, whom he accused of mismanaging his state’s budget and creating a disaster for its roads, schools and hospitals.

Mr. Walker, who has been restrained in criticizing Mr. Trump’s provocative remarks compared with other Republican presidential candidates, is leading in the polls in Iowa, a fact that seemed to gall Mr. Trump, the golf course entrepreneur and former reality star.

“I can’t believe I’m in second place,’’ Mr. Trump told several hundred people who filled a high school auditorium and an overflow room to see him. “Folks, will you please put me in first place so I feel better?”
Read more here.

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