Monday, July 27, 2015

The pretend objective media

Leon Wolf writes at Red State,
People say the press is mostly liberal. That’s by and large true, but it misses quite a lot of nuance in terms of where the press comes down on certain issues. There are people peppered throughout the national press corps with conservative or at least libertarian leanings on a whole host of issues. However, one issue on which the national press – even the ostensibly conservative members – is almost totally monolithic is life issues. Even Charles Krauthammer, while opposed to Roe v. Wade, supports legalized abortion. Ditto John Stossel, and virtually every other prominent token conservative/liberal member of the legacy media.

As a consequence, there is no issue with respect to which the media is more out of step with the American public, which is more or less split down the middle on the issue of abortion generally – and which has been watching with horror (when the media deigns to show them) these videos of doctors discussing the sale of babies’ livers with all the nonchalance of Tony Soprano discussing the price of hookers in New Jersey.
Read more here.

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