Saturday, July 11, 2015

The politics of division

Open Blogger writes at Ace of Spades today,
First of all, let's take Obama. What is he? By temperament and training, he is a community organizer. The thing is, that's one of those terms that sounds self explanatory but really it's not, in fact it means the opposite of what it seems to mean. The term "community organizer" was coined by Saul Alinsky to describe the people who he envisioned would destabilize society. The last thing an Alinskyite wants is for a community to be organized. An organized community is functioning smoothly, all of its parts meshing seamlessly. An organized community has no need for, nor desire for, an Alinskyite. No, the job of one of Alinsky's community organizers is to destabilize a community, to disorganize it. It is only when a community becomes disorganized that the politics of division can thrive and it is divided communities that are the end goal of Alinsky's disciples. Only when a community has been fatally divided against itself is it ripe for tearing down, to be replaced by a communal Utopia. Sowing this division is all Obama has done all his entire adult life. It is quite literally all he knows.

...The murder of Kate Steinle didn't lend itself to immediate division (very few people are going to willingly envision themselves on the same side as a 5 times deported psychotic criminal) so Obama limited himself to a weak call for gun control. On the other hand, after Dylann Roof did his despicable deed the people of Charleston did a remarkable thing (that shouldn't be remarkable at all). They came together as Americans, white and black, male and female, conservative and liberal, and absolutely rejected the politics of division. Al Sharpton headed south, as did DeRay, and the blood soaked gears or racial grievance machine started to grind....until it was SHUT DOWN! Shut down by the people of Charleston who remember who they were (Americans) and what that means. Shut down by a community that was actually organized. Shut down by good people. The race baiters were sent scurrying with their tails between their legs.
Read more here.

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