Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Outrage Train

John McCain has been going after Donald Trump. Trump tried to get back at him today, by saying, "He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who were not captured." Ace of Spades comments,
We just had one Know-Nothing Know-It-All Princeling as President; I'm not sure I'd like to see a different variation of the breed.
Read more here.

One of Ace's commenters writes,
Trump is being attacked, let's be honest, because we are powerless to attack the real evil in our presence.

We can't defeat obama or clinton or msnbc or Planned Abortionhood, or even Bernie Sanders. So we claw at the easy targets. This week it's Trump. Next week it will Ann Coulter or Rush. After that it will be Franklin Graham for something he said.

Another commenter said,
IMO, he was useful, because he turned the heat on the other GOP candidates. However, saying stupid stuff like this discredits him, and by extension, the issues he raises. The GOPe will now simply dismiss anti-amnesty as the ravings of a self-indulgent clown.

Another said,
Not offended by what Trump said. I AM greatly offended by the existence and prominence of John Kerry, who DID insult me and all my brethren.

Here is a little more context:

Ace adds,
the north vietnamese wanted to trade back McCain, ahead of everyone else, because his dad was an Admiral, and they sought to curry favor.

McCain insisted on staying with the guys, and only going when they all went.

He stayed for seven years.

Yes, that's a heroic thing.

what's trump's claim to heroism? Saving the Miss Universe pageant from chapter 11?

Another commenter said,
If Trump goes away, you will get another safe, mushy campaign of cold oatmeal.

After which the Jeb loses like a Gentleman.

Another commenter:
Trump's a rich butthead, and I really don't want him to win, but against this field of milk toasts and wieners, what are people supposed to do?

Another commenter:
The absurd (and predictable) part of all this is -- watch the MSM suddenly take up the cause of honorable POWs grievously hurt by Trump.

I stopped quoting commenters at number 109. At last check there were 480 comments. It is the best discussion I have seen anywhere about 2016. Go here to read more. I can only wish I had this many commenters in a year, not to mention in one day!

1 comment:

  1. Just checking to see if a comment posts. Your statement at end reminded me that'd I've tried and failed several times. I'm easily discouraged.
