Friday, July 10, 2015

Telling it like it is

Ann Coulter writes,
...once again, the weekend came and went without anyone in America being killed by ISIS, but a lot of people being killed by immigrants -- legal, illegal, second generation and anchor babies. There's no way to know exactly how many Americans were killed July Fourth weekend as a result of the country's immigration policies, because the media don't trust us with the truth.

But the holiday weekend kicked off with the news that an illegal alien from Mexico, Francisco Sanchez, had shot and killed 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle on Wednesday on a San Francisco pier. The most surprising aspect of the crime was that we were told right away that Steinle's suspected killer was an illegal alien. Usually, we only find out that the perp was an immigrant years later when the Spanish translators show up in court.

Coulter then reels off a long list of crimes committed in America last week by illegal immigrants.

She concludes,
Some of these crimes were committed by legal residents -- even "citizens." But without Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act, combined with Justice William Brennan's 1982 anchor baby invention, the "Mexican mafia" would not be living in America, much less be "citizens."

Just as America's immigration policies began favoring people from cultures as different from ours as possible, we also began providing government assistance to any loser immigrants and refusing to deport the criminals.

There's no question but that the only reason any of this week's criminal immigrants are in America at all is because of Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration act.

Now go back to worrying about ISIS.

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