Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Supressing free speech and covering up

Joe Cunningham reports at Red State that Stem Express, the group which Planned Parenthood has been selling body parts to, has obtained a restraining order against the Center for Medical Progress, which is the group that has been investigating Planned Parenthood. The restraining order prevents them from releasing any more videos for the time being. CMP has a video taken of three Stem Express officials in May.

Cunningham brings us CMP’s statement on the restraining order:

StemExpress, a for-profit company partnered with over 30 abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, to harvest and sell aborted baby parts and provide a “financial benefit” to Planned Parenthood clinics, is attempting to use meritless litigation to cover-up this illegal baby parts trade, suppress free speech, and silence the citizen press reporting on issues of burning concern to the American public. They are not succeeding—their initial petition was rejected by the court, and their second petition was eviscerated to a narrow and contingent order about an alleged recording pending CMP’s opportunity to respond. The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work and will contest all attempts from Planned Parenthood and their allies to silence our First Amendment rights and suppress investigative journalism.
Read more here.

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