Thursday, July 09, 2015

Seattle sixth graders can't buy a soda, but they can get birth control at school without parents knowing about it

Thomas Williams writes at Breitbart,
A number of Seattle public middle and high schools now offer long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) to their students, free of charge and free of parental consent. Now students as young as sixth grade have ready access to taxpayer-funded birth control, without ever having to tell mom and dad.

“Thanks to a Washington state Medicaid program called Take Charge and the nonprofit Neighborcare, teens can access confidential counseling on different birth control methods — and LARC insertion — more easily than they can buy a soda,” boasts Salon Magazine.

The statement is not just journalistic flourish, but literal truth. Seattle famously banned soda pop from public school campuses in 2004 for health reasons, yet teen students can get an IUD inserted at their school’s health center without their parents’ knowledge.

What Salon fails to mention in its puff piece is that LARCs are associated with serious side effects, such as uterine perforation and infection. IUDs also frequently act as abortifacients by preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg.
Read more here.

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