Monday, July 20, 2015

Rush Limbaugh once again explains what the media and establishment is trying to accomplish

Sandy Fitzgerald at Newsmax tells us that Rush Limbaugh had some comments about the McCain/Trump clash. Rush pointed out accurately that it was McCain who started it by saying the Arizonans who flocked to Trump's speech in Phoenix last week were all "crazies." Rush added that it is wrong to assume
"the collective outrage of the Washington establishment and the media is reflective of the American people."

"It is a fact that Trump did not say what he is being reputed to say," said Limbaugh, that "McCain's not a hero, and so forth. Four different times, he said McCain is a war hero."

"Facts don't matter in a circumstance like this," Limbaugh said, but instead, statements are "purposely blurred, lied about or ignored, much like my ill fated commentary on ESPN. Take something that wasn't said and blow it out of proportion."

But nobody is suggesting McCain apologize, but the media and Washington's establishment are all demanding apologies and saying that Trump's campaign can't survive, as is the usual pattern, said Limbaugh.

Meanwhile, the outraged reaction takes for granted that the American public will find Trump's words "unpalatable, unforgivable, and unacceptable," said Limbaugh, because the assumption is that media is reflecting public opinion.

But Limbaugh said that didn't happen in his own case and he doesn't think it will happen with Trump either, as the assumption that everybody is outraged "is always erroneous."

"They're doing everything they can to destroy Trump by acting like he's destroying himself with voters," said Limbaugh. "That's what presumes this new political reality, but I don't think that's the case."
Read more here.

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